Week 15 – Instructional design reflection


I have been continually amazed by the instructional design process and all the pieces which are required to implement instruction successfully.  Prior to this class I had limited exposure to the creation of instructional design, although I was fascinated by the various components of the design process.  The ADDIE model was previously a foreign concept, however through this class I was able to grasp the ADDIE model and utilize it in my instructional design.  While I errantly believed the bulk of instruction was focused on the design piece, I now see that the development is the more arduous process.

The process of development including correctly stating the learning objectives and goals is pivotal to the success of any instructional design.  The development is the “meat” of the project and as such must be properly and carefully designed.  Where I believed the the instructional goals were clear, upon implementation and evaluation, I found out the learning objectives needed to be clarified to meet outcomes.

I believe as I continue to explore greater and more diverse design opportunities, I will continue to further refine my skills in analysis, design and development.  While I’m positive I have much to learn, I think I’m off to a good beginning.  I’m looking forward to future projects, where I can better integrate the core concepts I have been introduced to in this class.

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